I Earned A Prize!

New Consultants - I Earned a Prize 

Please be sure to send Kristen a copy of your completed New Consultant 3 P's for Powerful Profits Worksheet. Email to kristenkorber.marykay@gmail.com

Monthly "I Earned a Prize" Form!

I LOVE getting to recognize YOU, but I can ONLY do it when you share your successes with me ~ so here is the perfect spot to do it!

All Challenges are due, including this form, by the 3rd of the following month.

If a picture is needed, please text your picture to me at 972-357-1938.  

Ex: submitting for January, results due by February 3rd. 

Prizes will only be sent/presented to those who complete this short form!


Anytime one of the following is completed, Weekly IPA Worksheet or Monthly Report Card, you will receive a BONUS Prize from my Prize Vault!

Consultant Weekly IPA Worksheet

It's a proven fact: when you track your numbers, they improve, because tracking creates awareness. It's why we track our food (what we eat, calories etc.,) when trying to lose weight, why our kids track their grades weekly when trying to improve and maintain, and why we track our numbers in Mary Kay! Even if this is a hobby for you, knowing what you actually did each week and each month makes each of us FEEL better about our outcome! Sometimes we find we actually had a lot more success than we originally thought. Sometimes, we just understand why we missed a goal, and then we know what to tweak to hit our goal next time! Both are equally valuable in life!


Each week, when you turn your numbers in right here for the Weekly IPA, you will receive special recognition in our Simply the Blessed Facebook Group, website, and email, as well as a special treat from me!

Tool Box

How To Use:

I would recommend at the beginning of each month (or now if you haven't already!) print out enough of the following  for the next month:

  • Weekly IPA Sheets
  • Weekly Brain Dump
  • Weekly Plan Sheet
  • Track Your Bookings
  • Track Your Guests
  • Show Me the Money

These are all located, for your convenience, just above here on each of the pink buttons right here on this page!

This is what I do personally to manage my business. I also print out our Unit Calendar each month, along with all of our Unit Challenges, and I run them for myself too. I put all of these in a binder with 12 divider tabs, one for each month. Then everything I need for my business is right there, each month. EASY PEASY or I will forget!

Consultant Monthly Report Card

Each month, when you turn your numbers in right here, and your completed your Weekly Accomplishment Sheets, you will receive special recognition in our Simply the Blessed Facebook Group, website, and email, as well as a special treat from me!

After completing Weekly, Monthly is a Snap!

For over a year now, I have been accountable to NSD Cheryl Fulcher for my own numbers both for my personal business, and us as a unit. It is actually the first time I have EVER been accountable to an NSD. Sometimes it is exciting, but it can be challenging and sometimes frustrating, or even embarrassing, to share my numbers, I know that it is how I become the next best version of myself. 

The numbers I am asking for right here, are the very same things I turn in to her each month on a google form, and I have found some things that really help me keep track of things! So here are my tips to creating a better business habit:

  • When you track it weekly, the monthly part becomes a cinch!
  • Knowing the numbers that are expected AHEAD of time helps!
  • Having a way to track those numbers on paper, throughout the month, makes everything easier!
  • Tracking them each week, has made my own numbers skyrocket!
  • This business is way more fun when we are DOING rather than THINKING about it!
  • Success is not for the chosen few; it is for those who CHOOSE!