Meet Kristen...

Simply the Blessed Unit

Personal Info:

Contact Info:

Birthday: December 21st

MK Anniversary: November 10, 2005

Customer Facebook Groups: 

    Kristen's Simply Beautiful VIPs

    Pink Happy Hour Blessings

Mobile Office: 972-357-1938

Personal Cell: 214-394-6863


Voxer ID: KristenKorberMK

Kristen's Story

Coming Soon!

Kristen's MK Achievements

Personal Achievements

Simply the Blessed's Achievements

Get Your Pink Cadi-Pack Here!

๐Ÿ’—Thank you for grabbing your Pink Cadi-Pack! You are helping me earn my first PINK CADILLAC! Which instantly makes you a super awesome human!

๐Ÿ’ŒI can't wait to share some fun with you! Watch out for the cutest mail ever! 

๐Ÿ’ฏI have a goal to send 100 gifts out each month. Please feel free to share this link with your friends! 


๐Ÿ˜‡Just fill out the form to snag your Pink Cadi-Pack today!๐Ÿ˜‡